Saturday, May 17, 2008

The "Other Stuff" we have been busy with...

In our travels to and fro, we have met with various dedicated visitors of this blog and a common thread seemed to develop in our conversations, "Isn't two weeks a little long to go without posting?" A valid question, to be sure. But this week we have a good excuse, we were assigned to kitchen duty in our home. Although this may seem to be fairly routine, it is our duty to inform you that despite appearances kitchens can be very dangerous places. Indeed, a time eating monster of terrible proportions can be found in every one! While this monster may seem small and commonplace, never forget that even mosquitoes have had a role in shaping history.

Here you see a staff member of this blog, calm, cool, and collected. You may ask what he is holding. The simple answer would be, dirty dishes. Don't be alarmed, he has many years of experience so his casual handling of such dangerous items shouldn't be a problem.

But wait! Something has happened to upset a fairly routine kitchen cleanup. The dirty dishes appear to be fighting back!

As the situation intensifies at an alarming rate, the hapless victim starts to succumb to the ruthless attack of this time eating monster.

But never fear, Josiah is here! This tough character, wielding his terrible weapon of cleanliness, charges in and quickly quells the rebellion.


"Back you villains!"


Have a great week everyone and watch out for those dirty dishes!

~Josiah and Benjamin


Anonymous said...

On Sunday Josiah was giving me a quick overview of this post. When he told me that it included coverage of dish-washing, I, rather unimpressed, made the comment that "we all know what that looks like." He hastened to assure me that I didn't, and I now realize what a naive comment I made! It looks anything but an average kitchen cleanup.

Josiah E. said...

Can you believe that? I told you she never really listens to me! ;-) Here I try and inform her of the wonderful story/photo possibilities that are provided by washing dishes and she is "unimpressed".

Thanks for the compliment! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Guys, this was great! It's hilarious and very well done.

It's a hard world, Josiah, not everyone believes you. You know, Carmen didn't get to see you taking pictures while you cleaned up like I did. I saw the picture taking process, but didn't know what you were going to do with them. I guess we have to walk by faith and not by sight.

Who should fear, Josiah and Ben are here?! :-)