Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nature Time


Well, was that enough subjects for you this week? We were desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel (or hard drive) for this post.

What will we come up with next week? Only time will tell...

God bless,
Benjamin & Josiah


Anonymous said...

Umm, what was the last pic exactly? A log? Lichen of some kind?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Phillip's pic of the brown leaf is really good. Gotta love that DOF!

Anonymous said...

I bet you did not expect your 'barrel scrapings' to generate such a bumper crop of comments. There has not been so many comments for a long time.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Carmen... though Ben has only chosen to answer a seldom few this time around... *hint, hint* ;-)

Unknown said...

Wow, these pics are great! Makes me envious of the SLR'ers...