Check out that fierce looking figure in the background. Scary, uh?
Climbing to this location was a lot of fun. :-) It's an interesting feeling to be all by yourself in a small corner of such a large room.
That archery competition looks challenging!
You Are Here
That's good to know :-)
"Ah..." is typical of what Dad finds best in life! He even has a newspaper! Another thing I noticed is his guilty expression: he knows that he does this far too often!
~a tolerant daughter who has frighteningly similar tendencies
Whatever that...scary...THING...
really is, it seems to me that it looks like Treebeard on steroids.
That "thing" is a Ghillie suit. Snipers, hunters, and anyone else who wants to remain hidden wear them.
I like the Treebeard idea too. :-)
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