Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Post of Many Subjects

Hello everyone!
We hope you all had a nice weekend. Josiah and I had a busy one. On Saturday, we helped Derrick and Sarah move into their new home during the morning and into the early afternoon. After that, we went over the church building and repaired a broken light fixture. Then in the evening Scott and Dale come over for Jonathan's birthday party. Can you believe it? My "little" brother Jonathan is 20 years old! Where does the time go? After supper, we decided with due deliberation, that Scott had become a good enough friend that we could go to the next level with him... so we played for him a dramatized audio story that Jon, Josiah, Isaac, Dale, and I made many years ago. We hope we didn't scare you too much, Scott!

Now, onto the pictures for this week. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Scott Eash said...

Thanks, guys! What an honor to be inducted into the Einwechter Friends Club! I'm delighted to be your friend.

N-n-no...I wasn't s-scared. Well...maybe just a little. ;)